Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Goin back, BACK, back to school again...

The doc cleared me to go back to work on Friday!  I am so relieved and soooo nervous.  For the last couple of weeks I have been waking up with pounding headaches, the mornings are SO dang hard.  I want Friday to be perfect... I have absolutely no control over it though.  For example, Sunday night I went to bed telling myself that Monday was going to be a great day... I woke up with a pounding headache told myself to get through it, took some advil and told myself everything would pass over and it would be a GREAT day.... I walked Quinn across the street to her pre-k carpool, walked back home, got some coffee, sat on the couch to watch a little morning TV and check my email... the headache was lifting and the stiffness was working itself out.. BUT THEN, I reached over to the coffee table to pick up my cup of coffee and PAIN, major pain under my shoulder blade stabbed me and pounded me in excruciating pain.  The type of pain to put you in the fetal position and cry and cry.  I didn't cry, yet, I said several "french" words, laid back and tried to work through the cramping-stabbing-pounding pain.  This was at 9am... Throughout the day the pain would put me to my knees if I turned my head one way or took a deep breath or made any type of movement... by 2pm I was couch-bound on a heating pad.  To make this short story even longer, my mom came over to surprise us all with Valentine goodies {so sweet!}... Since I was couch-bound and she could see the pain I was in with the slightest movement she took me to the ER.  After x-rays the diagnosis was a pulled muscle OR pulled ligaments.  Basically, I pulled something and the fibromyalgia is making the pain worse.  I am psychically RETARDED!  My arms are always numb, tingly, and sore but now I am EXTRA gimp.  It's always something and I am SOOOOOO over it!  If it's not "this" it's "that". Go$h D@mn, $hiz, Mo-Fo.... I am sooooo over it!  So my point is... Even though I try to be flippin Polly Anna about all this, the Fibro shiz is in control and  it just won't listen to my reasoning.  Ask anyone, I am a control freak and I am not taking this fibro stuff well. Sigh.  I know my posts are so negative, but they help me vent... even though I sound super crabby all the time I really am tryin to have a positive attitude and get well.  Friday will be a good day, Friday will be a good day, Friday will be a good day, Friday will be a good day..............................