Monday, January 31, 2011

New Day...

Today is a new day and the Doc is keeping me out of work for 3 more weeks.  During these 3 weeks I am instructed to see the counselor to relieve stress and to take a sleep study test.  I feel soooo STRESSED out to miss work.  I know the office is short help as it is and knowing that I'm leaving my {wonderful} coworkers hanging and that they have to work extra hard to pick up the slack is sooo frustrating to me!  I know I'd do it for them and they have my back but as I have mentioned in other posts, I am not used to being in this role.  I know in my heart that this is the best thing for me... I know I have to CHILL OUT.  I know I won't feel better if I go back to work tomorrow because I will just go and go and trudge on to get all the things done that need to be done and I will crash HARD.  If I can get over this FUNKY-FLAIR and recoup then I will not CRASH & BURN hard... at least not harder than normal.  I know I crash and burn... I do it all the time...almost daily as I come home and can be considered absolutely worthless because I am so tired!  It's just always been the norm and it's not so bad... at least I am use to the "regular" crash and burn.  I just don't think I've experienced it at this magnitude.  My entire body aches, I feel like I am walking through wet cement that is neck high.  I feel like I am in a tunnel and I can only see directly in front of me and every time I listen or talk there is a mild "whaw, whaw, whaw" going on.  To sum it all up I feel so OUT OF IT.  Even as I type, I stop and question where I'm going with this and can't get words off the tip of my tongue {or fingertips}.  Even though people think I am a wimp I am really a tough cookie, I am NOT going to let this control me!  To quote a very good friend "Oooooowwwwmmmmmmm" (that's the owm sound of meditation hehe).


  1. I can imagine how hard it must be to have to basically put the rest of your life on hold while you take care of yourself. Females usually aren't wired that way. We are the nurturers. And the added worry of not being able to "provide" adds more stress - the very thing you are supposed to avoid. Life is a conundrum sometimes. Funny you should mention meditation. I have a book trying to teach myself how to disconnect. Hang in there hon.
