What is Splenda made from?
Splenda is the trademarked name for sucralose, an artificial chlorinated sweetener that is formed when the hydroxyl groups in a sugar molecule are replaced with chlorine molecules. Sucralose is manufactured in a chemical plant in Alabama, and then a bulking agent is added to create Splenda. While the FDA has ruled that the chemical compound sucralose is not in itself toxic, there is no question that it is unnatural and is a highly-processed chemical artificial sweetener that depends on the presence of chlorine for its intense sweetness.
Sucralose is the final chemical compound created by the addition of chlorine atoms to sucrose molecules through a complex chemical reaction involving a number of highly toxic chemicals. Sucralose is not natural.
Sucrose is naturally produced from sugar beets or sugar cane. There is nothing natural or organic about sucralose. It is a chemical compound with a name similar to sucrose that helps to market the product. The similarity in names is extremely confusing to consumers.
No. The same atoms of chlorine that are used in products to disinfect swimming pools are also found in Splenda. Those products are labeled as containing chlorine, and Splenda should be labeled as exactly what it is: a chlorinated artificial sweetener. Consumers have a right to know.
Then I found this @ http://www.womentowomen.com/healthyweight/splenda.aspx :
Splenda side effects
Evidence that there are side effects of Splenda is accumulating little by little. Sucralose has been implicated as a possible migraine trigger, for example. Self-reported adverse reactions to Splenda or sucralose collected by the Sucralose Toxicity Information Center include skin rashes/flushing, panic-like agitation, dizziness and numbness, diarrhea, swelling, muscle aches, headaches, intestinal cramping, bladder issues, and stomach pain. These show up at one end of the spectrum — in the people who have an allergy or sensitivity to the sucralose molecule. But no one can say to what degree consuming Splenda affects the rest of us, and there are no long-term studies in humans with large numbers of subjects to say one way or the other if it’s safe for everyone.
As it turns out, I suffer from most of those side effects, especially panic-like agitation, dizziness and numbness, muscle aches, headaches, intestinal cramping, bladder issues (Interstitial cystitis to be exact), and stomach pain.
Now, I am not saying I don't have Fibro, I do in fact believe I absolutely have fibromyalgia, I believe I have had it since I was fairly young. BUT, after researching Splenda I believe that this has intensified all of my issues and CAUSED others including my gallbladder last year and my interstitial cystitis.
Now, to fully understand how much splenda I have consumed: I have used splenda for at least 6 years, I use it in my coffee and I even use it for baking. I drink 2-4 coffees a day using 2 teaspoons in each drink unless it's a venti starbucks americano, then I use 3. Since the manufacturers of splenda have not tested this product long term I am a human guinea pig! I also read that the manufacturers of splenda are banking that people don't use this product on a regular basis, only when they go out to eat and put it in their iced tea... not they way I do. But hey, I thought I have been doing myself justice because if I do consume as much coffee as I do I might as well use sugar that has no calories, right? Right!
On an added note, After my daughter was born I never seemed to get back to my "normal"... I have gradually gotten "worse" over the past 5 years. It is SOOOOO possible that splenda has played a major factor in all of this!
You better believe that I will continue to research this! As for you, if you use splenda or know someone who does, READ THIS: http://www.truthaboutsplenda.com/resources/faqs.html
Thank you from management goes a long way.