Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Welcome Back!

I'm welcoming myself back to blog world... Now that school is out and summer is here I have been caught up in the life of "entertain the kids".  It's been fun and exhausting!  After busy mornings of swim lessons and library visits I usually come home and collapse for a couple of hours before I gotta get up and entertain some more... I just haven't been able to squeeze in blogging. Ugg.  ... So I'm back with a zillion things to talk about except I can't remember what!!??!!!!!
I do wonder what the heck those little suicidal critters are that run across the street back and fourth, back and fourth.  Ground squirrels?  Every single day I feel like I am in a video game dodging those Evil Knievel's who run for their lives across the street and eat their own dead friends who's lives were not spared by the terrible tires that own the road.  They are some seriously disturbing carnivores!  I mean, WHAT IS SO DAMN IMPORTANT ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD????  IT'S DESERT ON BOTH SIDES!!!!!  Geesh, those little freaks keep me up at night!!! Seriously! 
K, moving on... I got a speeding ticket a few weeks ago... it was for going 52 in a 35... I swear I didn't do it... but the officer said I did.  sigh.  Then.... a couple weeks after the ticket my car broke down!!!... well, it didn't break down it just wouldn't turn off!  My key would not turn to the off position, the car ran and drove fine!  We took it to a shop and as it turns out my ignition is busted and it causes the computer to mess with all the gadgets on my dash!  SO I'M FIGHTING MY TICKET!... and I am super nervous... I never get tickets so yes, it IS a big deal!  :)  And I just want to add that even though the officer was just doing his job he was a real jerk!   Let's see... what else???... Oh yeah, one day I was on my way to the grocery store and decided to stop at the mailbox... when I was getting my mail I heard a horrible howl coming from under/around my car... after looking and looking it turned out that our freaking cat PUNKY was stuck under the hood of my car!!!  I tell ya, that cat used up at least one of his lives in there!  If he was in there for a long time he got lucky he didn't overheat... and he's lucky he wasn't by any fan blades!!!  That whole incident was nerve wrecking and mentally exhausting!  It sent me into a fibro flare up immediately!
I'm still having good days and bad.  Still figuring all this shiz out... it's all good... I also turned 35... yay
So my blog friends, until next time- which is hopefully sooner than this time...TTYL, C

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