Friday, January 28, 2011


I know I have had this for a long time.
The process has been soooo frustrating.
So now that I know...
Why am I sooo freaked out? Because it's real? Because I know for sure I am NOT imagining things?  Doctor after doctor had me doubting my own ability to know my own body, I was starting to believe I was crazy!  How could a person be aching all over, then here then there without an injury or an accident.  Doctors would look at me and talk to me like I was a crazy person and I just wanted to have something wrong with me.  The truth is I never wanted anything wrong with me... I just wanted to know what was going on with me!
Now I know.
Now I need to explain to my family that this is real and a chronic condition that wont go away.  There are good and bad days... JUST LIKE ALWAYS... now it's just a confirmed thing, FIBROMYALGIA.  Will they understand?  Will they care?  Will they understand that all those times I was great one day then miserable the next be from fibro?  Will it make sense to them?  Will it finally all make sense that I am not just a complainer or a wimp?  That I have a real thing going on???
Why does this entire situation disturb me?  Because it's so real?  I HATE being WEAK.  I am a get things done kinda gal.  This Fibro-Flair does not fit my personality, AT ALL!  Sigh.


  1. I am so sorry to hear of this sweatheart. Do you know if this can be passed on from family members, I will need to let Jessica know. My heart goes out to you. I do not like being in that Funk kinda of thing, let alone feeling like you do. I will think of you...Take care, Hugs Mary

  2. Carly, one thing is for sure. You are not crazy. Fibromyalgia is as real as the nose on your face. It comes, it goes, but it is always there waiting to flare at any given moment.

    Now that you have a diagnosis, find out everything you can about fibro. Knowledge is power! You will find ways to live with this illness. You may not beat it, but you may be able to get along with it.

    Just remember, you are not alone. There are thousands of us out here in cyberland that suffer right along with you. We hear you and we know.
