Thank goodness for my friend Tiff! She knows that fresh air and a little retail therapy is good for me! Today we took the girls to pre-k and went garage sale looking. It felt good to get out, ride along in the car and just go with the flow! I got a 10 piece heavy crystal punch bowl for $5! SCORE!
It was difficult getting up and out of bed today, the stiffness took long to wear off and my wrists hurt really bad today. Really bad. I pushed myself to get ready so I could go with Tiff and I am glad I did because I do like to get out of the house and do stuff.
The mornings seem to be the worst for me, I am stressed about going back to work and getting ready in the morning, getting Quinn ready and to daycare. The whole morning routine is a whole lot all at once. It seems silly but it has always worn me out! And that's just the beginning of the day. Uggg, sigh.
In a perfect world I could sleep in, get up at my own pace, move slow to get coffee and get dressed, check my email, blog, think about what to make for dinner, do a few things around the house and just take it all slow and on MY schedule. Sounds a little LAZY, but SOOOO nice! :)
I am in the process of starting an etsy shop. I make super cute flower hair bows form salvaged materials. They are good for the earth and cute for you. I have NEVER seen anyone else make them... only a few local copycats... which is cool I guess... imitation is the biggest form of flattery!
One thing though about this etsy shop... my neurotic self is stressed about some of the how-to's... how do I mail the stuff if someone buys something, and how do I take a good picture... LAME I know and why it's not up an running yet... oh well... right now these things are on my own terms... I get to it when I get to it!... Right? :)
Well, besides my throbbing, tingling, numb wrists and occasional ache and pain here or there today is a good day. Those symptoms are the normal for the past year and 2 months... For me this is normal.
I am also SOOO relieved because Q is registered for KINDERGARTEN!!! Thank you mom for taking the paperwork to the school for me! :)
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